Sunday, July 27, 2008

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Monk is a television show that comes on U.S.A. usually around 9 p.m. on certain days of the week and reruns are always being played at different times. It is about a guy, named Monk, who is a detective and has obesessive-compulsive disorder and many phobias. This disorder and phobias helps him to be the great detective he is. He notices the smallest detail when something is out of place that helps him to solve crimes. He has like ten suits that are all alike and hung up very neat in his closet. He makes sure everything is centered, and straight in his house and anytime he enters a building he is looking around and straightening something if it is a little off-centered or not lined up. It is a great show to watch.

This goes along with what we talked about in Chapter 12 in class. We discussed both phobias and obsessive-compulive disorder. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is when a person is plagued by persistent, upsetting, and unwarranted thoughts(obsession) that motivate repetitive behaviors(compulsions).Monk's obsession is that he wants everything to be in its exact spot and to be centered with everything else. He is also obsessed with everything being clean. His compulsion is always putting things in order if they are not in order, and cleaning every day. A specific phobia is the fear and avoidance of specific stimuli and situations.He has many specific phobias that are mentioned throughout different episodes of Monk. One phobia he has is of frogs. In an episode one time frogs were crossing the road and he just stood there and froze until they were all gone because he is teriffied of them.


Sharon Scruggs said...

I love Monk!! He is such a good example of OCD. One memorable scene was when he was waiting on his new "friend" to arrive at his house. He had purposely left exactly five crumbs on the counter, and he freaked out when hsi assistant tried to clean them up. He wanted the crumbs there to show his friend that he wasn't a neat freak...which, of course, he is!

Danika Ginn said...

Carolyn, my family and I love "Monk" and watch it often together. It is a very funny show and a perfect example of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder--and man, he has it to the extreme. But you're right: that's what makes him so good at his job. He kind of reminds me of me, but not to that extreme. I am very particular about things. I think it's funny how he is with germs--I'm a slight germ-a-phobe myself. Great job!